Dragon Age: Origins
While it is an "older" game in terms of mechanics (something I personally like because I was raised on Bioware's older games built on the same engine), DAO's strengths lie in the world building, character dynamics, and pacing for me personally. While one could very easily immerse themselves in the overwhelming amount of lore established for just this first game alone, a lot of which hasn't even seen the light of day such as languages created for the game that were later cut, any of the six origins stories you can choose as the player establish the setting and your place in it very quickly as you are whisked away from your respective home to join the Grey Wardens.
Have some dumb DAO gamedev facts while you're here.

mod recs
- Alistair's Visible Kiss: Because my Brosca deserves extra smooches.
- Equal Love: Because gender restrictions kinda suck.
- Extra Dog Slot: Because I love dog, but I also love having my party full for maximum banter.
- Feminized Massive Armor: Purely aesthetic, but armor should compliment body shapes soooooo.
- Improved Atmosphere: Does a lot. Like a lot a lot. It's also kinda big, so be warned.
- Grey Wardens of Ferelden: DA2 style Grey Warden armors and weapons for Origins!
- Polyamory: Because I am poly and also sometimes I don't wanna run a new playthrough for each romance.
- Sacred Ashes Leliana Face: Exactly what it says on the tin.
- Skip the Fade: Probably the most well known DAO mod, lol.
- Sleep Until Dawn: Cuddles with dog? Cuddles with love interest? This one has you covered!
- Sten Head: Just makes Sten look more like he did in the Sacred Ashes trailer.
character creator mods
- Anto Hairstyles
- Bidelles Cosmetics (Eyes mostly)
- Eyebrow Presets
- Freckles Plus
- Hairstyle Day
- LOTCs Female Eyelashes
- Pineappletree's Vibrant Colors
mods being tested/not yet added
- Neutral Female Armor (Medium and Heavy edition): May conflict with feminized armor
- Qwinn's Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3.52: Conflicts with Improved Atmosphere, Equal Love
- Universal Voices: Removes racial restrictions to voices in CC
- ZDF Dialog Fix: Some conflicts with Improved Atmosphere, see description.
- Mod Wishlist: Isabela/Merrill/Cullen appearance, look at other poly/bi mods, Morrigan armor mod?