to the desert i return

"There are wildflowers in my desert
which take up to twenty years to bloom.
The seeds sleep like geodes beneath hot feldspar sand
until a flash flood bolts the arroyo, lifting them
in its copper current, opens them with memory—
they remember what their god whispered
into their ribs: Wake up and ache for your life."
—Natalie Diaz, Postcolonial Love Poem from Postcolonial Love Poem

You Need This Crust: A guide to properly adoring microbiotic soils, Riley Black

Various paintings, Mark Maggiori
Gila, Sophie
Cowboy in dawn, Hawta Mahmood
Moon Cowboy, Dudnikova Eugeniya
Strong cowboy, Noa
Desert Owls, Colin
Canyon, Garett Lee

*Long Lost, Lord Huron
*Red Dead Redemption 2 OSTs
*Various Marty Robbins songs
^Fall Out: New Vegas
^Regeneration Through Violence: The Mythology of the American Frontier, 1600–1860
^The Fatal Environment: The Myth of the Frontier in the Age of Industrialization, 1800–1890
^Gunfighter Nation: Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth-Century America