My Personal Library
Not as big as it once was, but mine and well loved! Because I've moved every few years my whole life, I try to keep only the books I know that I love or will reread or might want to loan out to trusted friends. There's still a little part of me that dreams of having a library room with shelves covered in books, but for now I'm happy with my tiny library~
Someday I'd like to take pictures of the covers in my personal collection or maybe the spines! But moving uncertainty has them all in boxes right now, so we'll keep that thought for later. ;)fiction

![The Sight by David Clement-Davies [[I got this book in middle school during my sparkle wolf phase, and honestly, it still slaps.]] the sight](/home/library/books/sight.jpg)
![Fell by David Clement-Davies [[This is one of the few hardbacks that I own, my brother who I love so much got it for me as a Christmas gift the winter it came out.]] fell](/home/library/books/fell.jpg)

![Green Rider by Kristen Britain [[My dad actually got me into this one in middle school. I'm due for a reread as I haven't read anything past the ones I own, but the first two are my favourite.]] green rider](/home/library/books/greenrider1.jpg)


![Love that Dog by Sharon Creech [[I know I seem to have like, a ~*flavor*~ of poetry here, but in fifth grade, I had to move and didn't get to finish the school year with my class. My teacher gave me her copy of this book and wrote a very sweet note in it along with a package of other goodies and memories from the year. She was probably one of the best teachers that I ever had.]] love that dog](/home/library/books/lovethatdog.jpg)
![The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs by Sarah Anderson [[A v lucky find at a used book store in 2022 right as I was getting on the spinning hype train.]] spinner's book of yarn designs](/home/library/books/spinnersyarn.jpg)
![Meridian Volume 1: Flying Solo [[These are the oldest comics that I own. I PROBABLY JUST NEED TO MAKE A SHRINE FOR THESE TBH because I have a lot to say. The things to know: The publisher for this went under so only part of this series was released in volumes, it was never finished, but the art style is BEAUTIFUL, so I've been slowly working to collect the remaining single issues over the years.]] meridian volume 1](/home/library/books/meridian1.jpg)

![The Last Unicorn [[YEAH I ALSO OWN THE MOVIE DON'T @ ME. Tbh this'll probably also get a shrine someday.]] the last unicorn](/home/library/books/lastunicornc.jpg)
![The Wicked + The Divine Volume 1: The Faust Act [[I actually started reading this series in my brief stint with buying singles from my local comic shop. Finances shut that down, but I'd really like to read the rest of the series and probably add it to the collection.]] wic+div volume 1](/home/library/books/wicdiv1.png)