sheepsUpdate Archives

01/01/2024 | Happy New Year! Added a few new little guys to the toybox from the Chicken Smoothie and Flight Rising forums. A couple updates to my Star Wars fanworks page.

12/30/2023 | Final journal entry of the year! Added some of my initial thoughts on Convenience Store Woman. Added my ever in-progress playlists to the Paper Gods shrines.

12/24/2023 | Longer journal update than usual because I'm apparently feeling verbose and reflective on this merry Christmas Eve. Started updating my noteboard with my 2024 goals. Some more minor link/text updates. Added a few newsletters I like to the links collection. Updated the site map after realizing a lot of links were missing from it. Added the new bookbug members to my page, and still mulling over the decor.

12/17/2023 | New journal entry because life likes to throw me little curve balls. A lot of minor updates to fix image sizing on mobile and a few leftover broken links. Added a page for bookbug as I'm going to join in next month!

12/03/2023 | It was a "lots of little updates while i make an obnoxious anime intro/outro playlist" kind of day. Cleaned up most of my collections pages, and made some additions to my sticker sheet club, toybox, dollmakers, and links pages. The cathedral should now be mobile friendly. One addition to my forest child shrine. Added new fantasy, home, and garden graphics.

12/01/2023 | Happy December, all! Sorted my graphics index because it was getting a little overwhelming for me to sort through sometimes. Also added some new resources there! Moved most of my globes to fantasy graphics and added 2 new globes. Added 2 new aquarium graphics. Made a few other tweaks to fix broken stuff.

11/29/2023 | Making real time tests in the Thunderdome to try to make the new layout mobile friendly. Realized every page had a tiny little detail that needed to be changed, so uh, did that for the whole site, lmao. Also updated the guestbook playlist again as well as added it to Youtube Music! Thank you as always to everyone who's shared a song and for all of your lovely comments~

11/26/2023 | Migrated my collections, journal, and graphics pages over to the v2 layout which should mean that everything is migrated over! Now just to make it all mobile friendly again, hahaha... Also started updating my Credits page and made some tweaks to my noteboard. (Things will probs be a little slow around here again until closer to Christmas while I tackle some irl things and deal with the busy season at work.)

11/25/2023 | Dryad Glen v2 is here! Still skimming all the pages for broken links/images, and I'll slowly be updating my graphics/toy box pages in the coming weeks, but I'm so happy to have her updated. =3

For older updates, check my neocities profile!